The U.S. Census Bureau has reported a significant increase in the number of workers who continue their careers beyond the age of 70. Florida employers recognize the value of their experience and knowledge, and older workers are typically more loyal and reliable. Data indicates that the percentage of seniors in the workplace is set to continue growing. Reportedly, older workers are less likely to be negligent and distracted on the job and, therefore, less likely to make mistakes that could cause injuries and lead to workers’ compensation claims.
However, when they do fall victim to workplace accidents, they need more extended periods to recover. For that reason, employers need to establish protocols with the safety of older workers in mind. Although these experienced workers are not incapable of learning new skills, rapidly advancing technologies might require employers to adjust their training techniques to accommodate older workers. It might also be a good idea to allow them more practical training on new equipment.
Many business owners utilize the extensive experience of senior workers by appointing them in mentoring positions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, workers over the age of 50 are likely to have chronic health problems that they must manage, most frequently arthritis and hypertension. By using them to mentor younger workers, their exposure to ergonomic and musculoskeletal injuries can be limited.
Fortunately, there is no age limit for eligibility for workers’ compensation in Florida. Victims of work-related accidents, regardless of their age, can file benefits claims to cover medical expenses and lost wages. The process could be daunting, and many injured workers choose to utilize the services of an attorney who has experience in dealing with the Florida workers’ compensation system and navigating benefits claims in pursuit of maximum benefits under applicable laws.