If you work for or are an employer in Florida, you may hear about something called a Stop-Work Order. This is related to workers’ compensation and is a serious situation. If your employer gets such an order, you need to know. As an employer, if you get this order, you need to act fast.
According to Florida’s Chief Financial Officer, a Stop-Work Order is issued when an employer does not have workers’ compensation coverage when required by law. Essentially, if your employer receives this order, you should not work until it is cleared up. As the employer, you have a legal obligation to suspend all work until you clear this up. If you do not cease operations, you face a third-degree felony charge and a $1,000 per day penalty. Do note that if you are an employee, this order is public, so you can find out about it even if your employer does not tell you directly.
To clear up a Stop-Work Order, an employer must get workers’ compensation insurance or an exemption. A $1,000 down payment on the final penalty is also required. The employer must enter into an agreement and show proof of insurance, along with paying the down payment and creating a payment schedule for the remainder of the final penalty.
If your employer receives this order and stops all work, you could have to wait a while before work resumes. It just depends on how long it takes for your employer to meet all the requirements t have the order lifted. This information is for education and is not legal advice.