Vocational rehabilitation options and workers’ compensation

On Behalf of | May 15, 2024 | Workers' Compensation |

Vocational rehabilitation is crucial in workers’ compensation. It helps injured workers get back to work. Services include retraining, enhancing skills, or assisting with job placement. These help workers earn a living after an injury. It’s important to understand what services are available to you so you can make the best decision for your future.

What is vocational rehabilitation?

Vocational rehabilitation supports injured workers. It helps them find new jobs or regain necessary skills after an injury. The main goal is to enable these individuals to work again after a workers’ compensation claim.

Who qualifies for vocational rehabilitation?

Workers who can’t return to their previous jobs due to injuries may qualify for vocational rehabilitation. Usually, if a doctor says an injury prevents performing previous duties, the worker can receive these services.

Services offered under vocational rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation offers several services to help workers get back to employment:

  • Assessment and evaluation: Specialists assess the worker’s skills and interests. They plan their employment strategy.
  • Career counseling: Experts guide injured workers through their job options.
  • Job training and education: If new skills are necessary, the program may cover training costs.
  • Job placement assistance: This service includes resume help, interview coaching, and job search strategies.
  • On-the-job training: Some programs offer training to help workers adjust to new roles.

The benefits of vocational rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation does more than assist with employment. It improves quality of life, helping individuals stay financially independent and maintain dignity. Returning to work can also hasten recovery. It encourages physical activity and boosts mental health.

Vocational rehabilitation is a valuable step toward returning to work after workers’ compensation, and anyone hurt on the job will find that it is a helpful tool.

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